«Russia 2045» strategic social movement projects

Avatar C (Rebrain)

Исскуственный носитель личности и сознания

The Controlling Subject

Preparing Operators for Existence in New Carriers

The Object of Control

Creating Synthetic Carriers of Personality and Consciousness

Means of Control

Creating Interfaces Between Consciousness, Synthetic Personality and the Surrounding World


Instructing Operators to Use New Carriers

The Synthetic Body

Providing for the Relocation and/or Replication of the Individuality of the Operator

The Synthetic Body

Creating Hard- and software Foundations


Creating Models of How the Brain and Psyche Work

Preparing Operators for Relocation and the Possibilities of Their New Bodies

Instructing the Operator in the Use of Objects in the Technosphere

Developing Procedures for Relocating Individuality and "Consciousness"

Reproducing Mental Processes

Reproducing Informational Processes of the Brain

Creating Technical Means for Relocating the Individual Characteristics of the Brain

Creating a Complete Model of the Brain

Creating a Complete Model of the Psyche

Creating a Language of Commands for Controlling the Technosphere (Synthetic Environment)

Creating a Language of Commands for Controlling External Mental Faculties (Memory, Skills, Intellectual Processes)

Reproducing (Replicating, Relocating) Individual Consciousness

Recording Individual Characteristics

Individualization of AI Components

Researching the Possibilities for Neuro-Computers and Other Hardware for Parallel Processing

Dedicated Systems for Processing and Other Support for Modeling

Recording the Dynamics of the Substrata of Mental Processes

Modeling the Actions of Neurons, Neural networks, the Cerebral Cortex and Compartments of the Brain

Modeling Primary Processes: Sensation, Memory and Emotions

The Neural Substrata of Mental Processes

Modeling Individual Personality Characteristics

Modeling Mental Processes

Modeling Consciousness

Creating a Language of Commands for the Synthetic Personality and Body

Creating a Universal Language of Commands for Synthetic Personality and the Technosphere (Synthetic Environment)

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